Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Ph.D., cum laude, 2009-2014(First Prize of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University) |
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA Master in Landscape Architecture, Advanced Placement, 2001-2003 |
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Bachelor of Architecture, 1996-2001
12/16 – present | School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China Associate Professor full-time |
08/14 – 12/16 | School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China Assistant Professor full-time |
08/09 – 07/14 | School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China Assistant Critic part-time |
12/08 – 07/09 | Eastwood Design Group, Allston, MA / Beijing, P. R. China Senior Consultant part-time |
05/08 – 11/08, | ZNA / Zeybekoglu Nayman Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA / Beijing, P. R. China Design Director full-time |
07/07 – 04/08, | SWA Group, San Francisco, CA, USA Landscape Architect full-time |
03/06 – 07/06 | School of design, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, USA Assistant Critic part-time |
07/03 – 06/07, | Olin Partnership, Philadelphia, PA, USA Landscape Designer, Landscape Architect full-time |
06/02 – 06/03 | Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Physical Resource and Planning Office, Cambridge, MA, USA Director Assistant work-study
08/00 – 10/00 | Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China Student Intern |
Fall Semesters:
Theory in Landscape Architecture (graduate student)
Landscape Design Studio (graduate student)
Studio3-1 Between Mountains and Rivers (second-year undergraduate student)
Architectural Urban Landscape Design Studio (fourth-year undergraduate student)
Introduction to Landscape Architecture (invited course lecture, undergraduate elective course)
Spring Semesters:
Landscape Technology1: Grading and Road Alignment (graduate student)
Landscape Planning Studio (graduate student)
Landscape Architecture Frontier Topics (invited course lecture, graduate student)
2018-present, International Federation of Landscape Architect Asia-Pacific Region, Chinese Delegate
2016-present, Landezine International Landscape Award, Jury Member
2015-2017, China Association for Science and Technology International Organizations, Member of Expert Pool
2015-present, Chinese Landscape Architecture, Reviewer
2017-present, Landscape Architecture, Invited Editor
2014-present, Urban Design, Editorial Board Member
2013-present, Landscape Architecture Frontiers, Reviewer
2012-present, World Landscape Magazine, Director of International Affairs
2012-present, Chinese Flowers Gardening and Landscaping Industry Association, Director of International Affairs
2009-present, Chinese Society of Landscape Architects (CHSLA), Member
2006-present, American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Member
2017, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, President’s Award
2017, 7th Qian Xuesen City Research “Urban Environment Challenge” Category, Gold Medal Nomination Award
2015, First Prize in the 9th Beijing University Junior Faculty's Basic Teaching Skills Competition, as well as Best Presentation Award, Best Syllabus Award, Most Popular among Students Award, China
2015, key faculty member of University Excellent Course “Introduction to Landscape Architecture”, Tsinghua University, China
2014, Junior Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, Tsinghua University, China
2014, First Prize (Rank No.1) in the 6th University Junior Faculty Teaching Competition, Tsinghua University, China
2013, Young Researcher Award, Tsinghua University School of Architecture, China
2013, Guanghua Scholarship – 2nd Rank, Tsinghua University, China
2012, Chinese National Scholarship for Ph.D. Students
2012, Friends of Tsinghua Scholarship – Dingyemailin 2nd Rank, Tsinghua University, China
2011, Distinction Scholarship – Beixinjiancai, Tsinghua University, China
2011, International Conference Fund for Ph.D. Student, Tsinghua University, China
2010 - 2013, Outstanding Academic Achievement Grant (every year), Tsinghua University, China
2010, Emerging Scholar of Ph.D. Students Award, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
2010, Tsinghua University 2010 Ph.D. Student Research and Innovation Fund, Tsinghua University, China
2010, Excellent Paper Award, Tsinghua University 258th Doctoral Forum (Architecture), Tsinghua University, China
2010, Friends of Tsinghua – Guanghua 1st Rank Scholarship, Tsinghua University, China
2010, World Society For Ekistics (WSE) Essay Competition Second Prize (First Prize absent, Second Prize shared by two), Two Sides of A Coin: Brownfields Redevelopment and Industrial Heritage Conservation – Saving the Relevant Past & Creating the Desired Future
2009, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA) Essay Competition Third Prize, Three Approaches to Teach Brownfield Studios in Landscape Architecture Department
2006, Representing OLIN with others to receive Honor Award for Columbus Circle and Firm of the Year Award,
ASLA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA
2006, Representing OLIN to receive Certificate of Merit for Columbus Circle, ASLA Pennsylvania/ Delaware Chapter Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2004, Representing OLIN with David Rubin to recruit at Harvard/MIT Career Fair, Cambridge, MA, USA
2002, Best of Studio Award, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA
2002, “Penny White Student Projects” Grant, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA
2001, Best of Studio Award, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA
2001, Award for excellence in undergraduate study, Tsinghua University, China, USA
2000, Scholarship for excellence in undergraduate study, Sanwa Bank Foundation, Tsinghua University, China
2000, Scholarship for Outstanding Social Service, Tsinghua University, China
2000, Student Leader Prize, Tsinghua University, China
1997 - 2000, Outstanding Academic Achievement Grant (every year), Tsinghua University, China
Academic Papers:
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2017. “Brown Earth-Work”: A New Landscape Paradigm and Research Approach for Brownfields Regeneration [J].China City Planning Review (01):31-39.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2017. Upsurge, Misconception, and Prospect: Brownfields Regeneration in Landscape Architecture in Recent Years, Chinese Landscape Architecture (05): 10-14.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2017. Pedagogical Model with Ecology as Foundation – A Case Study of Landscape Architecture Education at the University of Pennsylvania, Architectural Journal (06):105-110.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2017. In the Spotlight: Water and Soil, Time+Architecture (04):04-05.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2015. Interpretation on Duisburg-nord Landscape Park through the Lens of “Brown Earth-Work”, Landscape Architecture Frontiers(06): 20-29.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2015. Characteristics of Industrial Brownfield Regeneration: with a Discussion on Gas Works Park’s Convoluted Remediation Process, Environmental Engineering(04): 156-160.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2015. Landscape Research on Brownfield Regeneration—"Brown Earth-Work" to Bridge Environmental Remediation and Landscape Design, Chinese Landscape Architecture (04): 10-15.
ZHENG, Xiaodi; LI, Fasheng. 2015. Integrate Aesthetics and Landscape Art into Contaminated Land Remediation, Chinese Landscape Architecture(04): 25-28.
YANG, Rui; YUAN, Lin; ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2015. Relationship between Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Chinese Landscape Architecture(03): 37-42.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2015.Five Scales of Brownfield Regeneration in Urban Development——from Global to Architectural, Landscape Architecture Frontiers(01): 57-61.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2014. Four Project Commentaries, World Architecture(02): 46, 58, 70, 111, Beijing, China
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2013. Review of English Dissertations and Publications on the Subject of Brownfield Regeneration, Chinese Landscape Architecture (02): 5-10, Beijing, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2013. Why does Freshkills Park Attract so much Attention?, Worldscape (01): 136-145, Beijing, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2013. Establishing a Holistic Vision of Brownfields Regeneration under the Framework of Sciences of Human Settlements, Proceedings of Landscape Architecture of Tomorrow International Forum: 169-177, Tsinghua University, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Beijing, China.
ZENG, Ying; ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2013. Perspective of Environmental Ethics in Brownfield Regeneration through Comparative Case Studies between China and Abroad, Landscape Architecture Frontiers (02): 88-94, Beijing, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2013. Can you see? (on Beijing’s heavy smog). Topos Online Blog, Jan. 21st, 2013. //
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2011. Think Big, Birds First, Topos (77-Making Space): 66-71, Callwey Verlag, München; Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2011. Erwarte das Unerwartete, Garten + Landschaft (11): 36-39, Callwey Verlag, München; Berlin.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2011. Three Distinctive Industrial Heritage Sites in Germany (Pictorial Section), Beijing Planning Review (01): 140-153, Beijing, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2011. Relationship between Brownfield Redevelopment and Industrial Building Heritage Preservation, Beijing Planning Review (01): 82-85, Beijing, China. (this article is selected from Proceedings of China’s First Symposium on Industrial Building Heritage Survey)
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2010. Shichahai Lake in Beijing, Large Landscapes and The City, Topos (73-City Regeneration): 58-61, Callwey Verlag, München; Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2010 Brownfields Redevelopment as Focus for Urbanism – Rethinking Urbanization, Proceedings of Tsinghua University 258th Doctoral Forum (Architecture): 212-220, Tsinghua University, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2010. Relationship between Brownfield Redevelopment and Industrial Building Heritage Preservation, Proceedings of China’s First Symposium on Industrial Building Heritage Survey:247-253, Research and Preservation, Tsinghua University, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2010. People-Oriented Design: For people to use? Or for people to look at? – Observations on Beijing’s Urban Landscape, Thinking City: 282-286, Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press, Wuhan, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2009. Three Approaches to Teach Brownfield Studios in Landscape Architecture Department, Chinese Landscape Architecture(09): 24-27, Beijing, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2009. South Lake Central Park, Tangshan, Topos (69-Reuse): 58-63, Callwey Verlag, München; Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2008. Observations on Landscape Architecture in America, Urban Space Design(02): 15-17, Liao Ning Science and Technology Press, Shen Yang, China.
ZHENG, Xiaodi. 2007. The Ray and Maria Stata Center, Topos (59-Water): 45-49, Callwey Verlag, München; Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin.
Short Articles:
Zheng, Xiaodi. 2017. Competition as Means to Advance Teaching Skills. Tsinghua Weekly, 2017-11-3 (B06).
Zheng, Xiaodi. 2014. Commentary on four Landscape Projects. World Architecture(02): 46, 58, 70, 111.
Zheng, Xiaodi. 2013. Beijing Garden Expo. Topos (83): 12.
Zheng, Xiaodi. 2013. Can you see? (on Beijing’s heavy smog). Topos Online Blog, Jan. 21st, 2013.
Zheng, Xiaodi. 2013. Growth·Bond between Me and Tsinghua’s Landscape Program. Historical Overview of Landscape Architecture Development at Tsinghua University. 252-255. China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, China.
Translated Books & Articles:
2014, Justin B. Hollander, Niall G. Kirkwood, Julia L. Gold; translated by Xiaodi ZHENG, Principles of Brownfield Regeneration: Cleanup, Design, and Reuse of Derelict Land, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, China.
2015, Martin Kriegel, Barbara Münch, Claus Steffan, Klaus Zillich; translated by LIN Borong, ZHENG Xiaodi, ZENG Ying, LI Siyao, Towards a Carbon Free Campus – A Pan-European Campus Network with Focus on the University of Technology Berlin, Urban Design (01): 08-39.
2013, Jill Desimini; translated by Xiaodi ZHENG, Wild Innovation: The Stoss Proposal to Transform Detroit, Chinese Landscape Architecture (02): 11-19, Beijing, China.
Co-edited Books:
2016.9, Disaster Prevention Landscape – Renovation of Badong Landslide Sit and Cement Factory, co-Editors: ZHU Yufan, WU Dongfan, ZHENG Xiaodi, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, China.
2015.12, International Urban Stormwater Management and Landscape Hydrology Research: a Multidimensional Interpretation towards Strategies, Chief Editor: Liu Hailong, Associate Editors: YANG Rui, JIA Haifeng, NI Guangheng, ZHENG Xiaodi, HU Jie, etc. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China
2015-present, Encyclopedia of China (third edition), editorial board member, responsible for revision of brownfield related terms in the "ecological restoration" section.
2012-present, Architectural Design Resource Book (third edition), editorial board member, responsible for editing the "brownfield regeneration" section in Volume 1.
2011-2012, Lexicographic Project for Tourism Dictionary, National Tourism Administration, Beijing, P.R.China.
responsible for English translation & editing of several terms.
2016, Li, Wei. Reshaping “Brown Earth-Work” – an Interview with Mrs. ZHENG Xiaodi, Special Researcher at Tsinghua University and Registered Landscape Architect at the USA, China Environment News, Sep. 22nd, 2016.
2010, Jia, Meng. Project as the Foundation - an Interview with Landscape Architect Mrs. ZHENG Xiaodi, Landscape China website, June 23rd, 2010.
2008, Xiao, Haishao. Conquer Overseas Architectural Market, China’s New Design Engine. Estate (24): 64-67.
2007. Stegner, Peter. Landschaftsarchitektur in den USA. Garten+Landschaft(04): 23-27
2017, Keynote Speaker, ILGBC International Conference for Smart Cities, Tel Aviv, Israel
2017, Speaker & Panel Moderator, International Conference on Landscape Architecture Education (CELA/CLAEC), Beijing, China.
2017, Keynote Speaker, 11th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Architecture Committee of Industrial Architecture, Beijing, China.
2017, Speaker, China Sustainable Environmental Remediation Conference, Beijing, China.
2017, Speaker, Asian Garden Conference and the 7th Yuanye Peak Forum, Beijing, China.
2017, Speaker, Symposium on Wetland Landscape and Ecological City Development, Hengshui, China
2016, Speaker, Sino German International Seminar: Designing Future Cities – Sustainable Urban Development and Transformation of City Structures, Beijing, China.
2016, Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Brownfields Regeneration & Ecological Restoration, Beijing, China.
2016, Speaker, Asian Garden Conference and the 6th Yuanye Peak Forum, Nanjing, China.
2016, Speaker, the 10th Chinese International Garden Expo Landscape Architects International Forum, Wuhan, China.
2015, Keynote Speaker, School of Architecture Doctoral Forum, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2015, Speaker, Tsinghua National Image Forum Annual Meeting, Beijing, China.
2015, Speaker, Young Landscape Architects Roundtable Forum and the 3rd Beijing-Tianjin Universities Joint Forum, Beijing, China.
2015, Speaker, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA) Annual Conference, Beijing, China.
2014, Speaker, the 5th Symposium on China’s Industrial Heritage, Xi’an, China.
2014, Speaker, the 4th International Conference on Landscape Planning and Design (Ai Jing Award), Xiamen, China.
2013, Invited Speaker, “A New Challenge for the Field of Landscape Architecture – Brownfields Regeneration”, the 3rd Yuanye Peak Forum of Landscape Architects, Beijing, China.
2012, Speaker, “A Mirror to Practice – Landscape Studio Education at Tsinghua University, China”, the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2012 Annual Meeting, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA
2011, Speaker, “Brownfields to Public Parks – Ecological, Economic and Social Benefits”, the 48th International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) 2011 World Congress – Scales of Nature, Zurich, Switzerland
2011, Poster Presentation, “Derelict Land to A Great Public Park, within One Year”, Brownfields 2011 Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2011, Invited Speaker, “An Opportunity to Reshape Public Urban Space – Brownfields Regeneration”, Validity and Vitality in Contemporary Chinese Cities – The 1st Space Seminar of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
2010, Invited Speaker, “Doctoral Research Subjects and Methodologies” Doctoral Salon, Tsinghua University 258th Doctoral Forum (Architecture), Beijing, China
2010, Invited Speaker, “Relationship between Brownfield Redevelopment and Industrial Building Heritage Preservation” China’s 1st Symposium on Industrial Building Heritage Survey, Research and Preservation, Beijing, China
2009, Co-Speaker (with Jie Hu), “Large-Scale, Sustainable Landscape Projects in China” 2009 Annual Meeting of American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Chicago, USA
2009, Invited Speaker, “Focus of American Brownfields Landscape Projects Revealed by Two Brownfields Studios – Respectively in Harvard and Penn” 2009 Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA), Beijing, China
2017, Secretary General, 2017 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual Meeting, Beijing, China.
2016, Executive Chair and Secretary General, International Conference on Brownfields Regeneration & Ecological Restoration, Beijing, China.
2016, Academic Committee Member, Session Organizer and Moderator, CleanUp Conference in China, Beijing
2013, Organizer and Moderator, Panel Discussion of Young Landscape Architects, International Forum on Landscape Architecture of Tomorrow, Beijing, China.
2011, Facilitator and Plenary Dialogue Session Reporter, U.S.-China Young Scientist Forum, Beijing, China
2009, Moderator, London2012, the Olympic Catalyst: A Legacy Ambition. 2009 Annual Meeting of American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Chicago, USA.
2017-2019, China’s National Natural Science Foundation Young Scholar Research Fund, "Regional Brownfield Cluster’s Remote Sensing Information Extraction, Characteristic Identification and Ecological Performance Evaluation", Beijing, China.
2016-present, Beijing Rural Landscape Planning, Design, Engineering and Technology Research Center Research Fund, "Research on Environmental Effects of Landfill Ecological Restoration", Beijing, China.
2016-present, Tsinghua University Independent Research Fund, “Relationship between Campus Landscape and University Culture – Research on Waterfront Landscape at Tsinghua University", Beijing, China.
2016-present, Landscape Planning and Design of Bauhinia Dormitory Zone at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2015-2016, Riverside Landscape Planning and Design at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2014-2016, Tsinghua University SRT Project Fund. "Research on ‘Wasted Space’ in the Campus of Tsinghua University", Beijing, China.
2013-2016, Higher Education Pedagogic Reform Project of Zhejiang Province: Pedagogic Reform of the Introduction of Landscape Architecture (KG2013044), Hangzhou, China. (team member)
2013-2015, Asian Development Bank Technical Support Project with China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, "Management of China's Illegal Landfills", Beijing, China. (team member)
2012-2013, Zhejiang Province Department of Education University Research Projects. “Comparison Research between China and International Brownfields Regeneration Cases” (Y201223782), China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China. (team member)
International Workshop between Tsinghua University, China & Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain & Illinois Institute of Technology, USA (2016 Beijing)
International Workshop between Tsinghua University, China &Illinois Institute of Technology, USA (2016 Chicago)
International Workshop between Tsinghua University, China & Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain (UPC) (2017 Barcelona, 2016 Barcelona, 2014 Beijing, 2011 Barcelona, 2011 Beijing)
Sino-UK Architectural Students Joint Workshop (6 Beijing Universities and 4 British Universities), (2013 Beijing)
International Workshop between Chiba University (Japan), Tsinghua University (China), Seoul National University (Korea), and Beijing Forestry University (China), Chiba, Japan (2011 Tokyo)
2011 Spring, Honor Award at Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture Student Competition, “Nissan Technology Center Forest Revitalization Planning and Design”, joint student team from Tsinghua University, China & Chiba University, Japan, (Co-Advisor with Pro. ZHANG Junhua, Chiba University)
2017, Second Award, International Collaboration Work at Chinese Architecture Schools, Capital Steel Factory Renovation by BAI Ruoqi, WEI Tingfang, HUGE Jile, ZHANG Xudong and LI Bin, Instructors: ZHU Yufan and ZHENG Xiaodi
2018-present, Chinese Delegate, International Federation of Landscape Architect Asia-Pacific Region
2018-present, co-Director, International Affairs Office, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2009-present, Foreign Affairs Coordinator, Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2013, Translator, Peter Latz lecture “From Garden to Landscape”, International Landscape Architects Forum organized by the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA), Beijing, China.
2013, Translator, Peter Walker lecture “The Constitution Garden”, organized by the Chinese Landscape Architecture Network, Beijing, China.
2010, Coordinator & Translator, Closed Review of Student Landscape Architecture Design Competition, 47th World Congress of International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), Suzhou, China
2007, Volunteer, California ASLA Chapter Booth, 2007 Annual Meeting of American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), San Francisco, USA